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What is BL4SEA?BL4SEA is a specialized app developed for online and remote service for inspections and surveys onboard all kinds of vessels and units. It simplifies data collection, analysis, and reporting during DP system performance evaluations, enhancing efficiency and compliance with industry standards. The app supports both Android and iOS devices, allowing the users to use a device of their preference. Its user-friendly interface helps users perform trials more effectively, saving time and ensuring accurate results. In addition the users have everything documented for potential reviews at a later point.
Do I need a dedicated device for BL4SEA?The BL4SEA app is highly versatile and can be installed on your own tablets, phones, or other mobile devices both Apple and Android, no need for a dedicated device. This flexibility allows the users to utilize it on equipment they're already familiar with.
What devices are supported?Most newer Android and Apple devices, both phones and tablets, are supported as long as they have a camera. Tablets may be advantageous due to their bigger screens. Head over to Google Play or App Store to see the current requirements. Rooted phones are not supported due to security concerns.
Do I need an Apple or Google Account?You will need an Apple or Google Account to download and update the BL4SEA app. However, you don't need an Apple or Google Account to use the BL4SEA app. Boatlabs will provide you with login details for the app. Boatlabs cannot provide offline installation files.
Does BL4SEA work offline?Offline and online function of the BL4SEA application is built into the system. To synchronize the application the device needs to be online. However, during the testing there is no need to be online. All functions are still available.
How to update the BL4SEA App?If you are running version 3.0.0 or newer, you can simply update the application from Apple App Store or Google Play. Please synchronize the application before updating, to ensure that no data is lost. If you are running an older version (2.9.X) you need to delete this version and install the latest version available in App Store or Google Play.
Initial LoginAfter the installation, launch the app. You’ll be prompted to log in. Use the credentials associated with the “Install user” to activate the device. Once activation is successful, you will be prompted to login using the individual app user accounts. The "Install user" is only needed the first time you are activating a new device. Credentials and user accounts has been sent separately to the Captain/Administrators email.
Does BL4SEA have a history function?Yes, as long as you are logged in with an account tied to your unit, you will be able to see all previous trials in the history view in the app. Note: This functionality requires an active internet connection for downloading the pictures.
There is no trials available when we open the appOnly active trials are shown on the overview page of the app. If the Captain/Administrator has received an email confirming that the trial has been published in the application but it still is not visible, please contact our helpdesk. Historic data will still be available even without any active trial.
Can multiple users be logged in at the same time on different devices?Yes. But to avoid overwriting each other, it is not recommended to work on the same test. This is due to the offline functionality of the app, when the devices comes back online, the submitted test with the latest timestamp will be saved. It is also highly recommended to use version 3.2.0 or later.
Why was the pictures i submitted rejected?If a submission is rejected, there will always be a comment explaining why it was rejected. Pictures must be of high quality covering the entire monitor, but avoiding unnecessary dead space around the monitor. If details are needed, take a closeup picture in addition to the overview picture. Multiple pictures can be added. Tips: - Use high brightness on the monitor to limit the amount of reflections. - Avoid using dark/night mode on the monitors. - Avoid complete darkness where you are taking pictures, this can often lead to blurry pictures. - Most monitors are in landscape mode, therefore the pictures you take should also be in landscape mode. - Avoid zooming. Move closer to the screen to achieve the highest possible resolution on your pictures. - Delete blurry pictures instead of submitting them
Can I add pictures from my gallery?No, you cannot add pictures from your gallery. Only pictures taken with the BL4SEA app is accepted. This is to avoid uploads of old pictures or manipulated pictures.
Why is location data required?Location data is required to ensure that the pictures are in fact taken on the actual unit and not a similar unit. If foul play is suspected the auditor will check the location data of the submitted pictures.
Are there any tips for taking better pictures?- Take picture of the entire screen, we need this to get an overview and see the system clock. - If there are small details on the screen, take a close up in addition to the picture of the entire screen. - Use high brightness on the monitor to limit the amount of reflections. - Avoid using dark/night mode on the monitors. - Avoid complete darkness where you are taking pictures, this can often lead to blurry pictures. - Most monitors are in landscape mode, therefore the pictures you take should also be in landscape mode. - Avoid zooming. Move closer to the screen to achieve the highest possible resolution on your pictures. - Delete blurry pictures instead of submitting them - In case the lighting conditions are tricky, use the manual exposure slider in the app to adjust for a better picture.
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